

July 4, 2012

Boulder Engagement: Makenzie & Alex

It dawned on my yesterday, standing parallel to one of the most gorgeous sunsets I’ve ever seen, on the stage of one of the most beautiful sites I’ve ever been to, just how blessed I am.  To be on the brink of the Great Lakes, basking in this beautiful, beautiful earth, doing what I love.  I felt overwhelmed with thankfulness of just how lucky  I am.  And how free I am to do what I love.

It’s a thought which crosses my mind often.  Here I am.  This 24-year-old girl with a camera.  Who gets to travel the country chasing dreams, chasing beauty.  Meeting the most incredible people and sharing their stories.

Often the thought crosses my mind, while my love is fighting in Afghanistan, or laboring long hours at his home base, that this is what he is fighting for.


Dreams of family life.  Dreams of chasing beauty.  Entrepreneurship.  Backyard barbecues.  Family road trips.  Love…

And freedom.

Thank you.  To everyone who has fought for our freedom, our safety, our peace of mind.  Thank you to everyone who has ever sacrificed dreams of family life.  Dreams of chasing beauty, entrepreneurship, backyard barbecues, and family road trips.

Just so we can have them.


And speaking of chasing beauty and dreams and meeting the most incredibly people and sharing their stories, it is my privilege to introduce to you Makenzie and Alex.

I knew we had something special when these two drove down from Boulder to meet me.  Both are YoungLifers and fell in love teaching kids about Christ.  Can’t beat that.

Makenzie and Alex, thank you for your kindness.  And for reciprocating so much love and sweetness towards me.  I can’t wait to get to know you better.  You two are gems.

So much love and joy to you,

 Also a special thank you to Miss Malerie Barnes for tagging along and second shooting this one with me.


comments so far, leave yours

  1. Allison Rust says:

    Hooray for sweet, beautiful Makenzie! She and I were both doing YL together at the same camp last summer. Love that she had you as her photographer and the way you captured her true beauty!

  2. Makenzie Schrag says:

    Rene, we are so incredibly thankful for you and the grace with which you capture such wonderful moments and memories. We simply could not be happier! You are such a blessing.

  3. Alicia Ready says:

    Love these. All of them. Love love love.

  4. Heather says:

    Wow, love this whole shoot! Stunning photos.

  5. Kami says:

    1. She is so very pretty. 2. I really, really love the lighting/colors of this shoot. 3. I equally love when you share photos of you doing your thing. ;)

  6. kohlman says:

    I wept.

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