EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.










July 9, 2012

50 Years: Barb & Stub

Good morning!  It’s a beautiful start to a new week.  The streets are damp, the air is cool, and humidity is lingering.  A nice change for Colorado. :-)

I wanted to share with you something I don’t get to photography too often: an anniversary party.

Barb and Stub just celebrated 50 years of marriage.  You may recognize them from their son and daughter-in-law’s wedding: Mike and Tracey. It was a quaint get-together with so many of their family and friends.  The amount of relationships one can accumulate over 50 years is heartwarming.

When I asked Barb and Stub what the secret was to 50 years, they both giggled and responded similarly: “You just do it.  You don’t quit.  And you get through things together.”

I believe this image symbolizes the love, patience, and dedication they share that has led them through 50 years.

To the Freer family: thank you for trusting me with so many moments in your family’s legacy.  You will always have a special spot in my heart. Barb and Stub, I know the trials you’ve dealt with over the years and you are a true inspiration to me.

With love,




comments so far, leave yours

  1. Shelley Freer says:

    That’s one heck of a good looking family :) Rene – we are so blessed that you have been able to capture our family’s special occasions! You do AMAZING work and we appreciate you so very much!!!

  2. Ashley Andersen says:

    oh my gosh! Stub! He was good friends with my dad. I remember going to baseball games with him when I was little. How much fun to see him here. And some of my other dad’s friends. Congrats on 50 years! What a nice little surprise to see this! :)

  3. Kami says:

    So, so special. The one of her hugging him from behind brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, RTP, for honoring marriage!

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