EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.










February 26, 2013

Malibu Engagement: Fielda & Daxten

Guten Tag! Grüße aus Deutschland!

That is, “Good afternoon!  Greetings from Germany” for those of you who aren’t quite brushed up on your German. ;-) I’m having such a terffic time exploring parts of Europe.  Today I visited the magical castle that inspired Walt Disney’s Cinderella Castle.  More on that later.

For now, I am dying to show you this gorgeous, warm engagement shoot.  It’s polar opposite from the bitter cold weather I’ve been enjoying on this side of the world.

This is a special little shoot to me.  You see…the groom, Daxten, was a fellow Cañon City Tiger.  We met in high school.  Daxten sat behind me in Mr. Saint’s American Government class.  Believe it or not, I did sit in the front row in that class. (This is funny for those of you who’ve heard about my college American Government/Politcal Science experience…. definitely a back row student in that class.)  So anyhow, with Daxten I remember a strong witty banter between the two of us.  And I’m pretty sure I remember him helping me more than I helped him.  Let’s face it.  He was a genius then and he’s a genius now.  Daxten went off to college at the School of Mines to become an engineer.

It was there in Golden, Colorado at Mines that he met this sweet, sweet, bubbly, beautiful, intelligent girl named Fielda. They fell in love over time and eventually found jobs in the engineering field!

While in town for Melissa and Robert’s shoot, Daxten, Fielda, and I were able to find a slice of time to get together and catch up on old times.  It was my first time meeting Fielda and let me say, she is perfect for Dax. :-) It’s so cool to see that guy who sat behind me in American Government happy and fulfilled with the love of his life.

We met up in Malibu for coffee and a mini-engagement shoot at Point Dume Beach and had TOTAL blast.  All these two DO is laugh!  It was just perfect.

Daxten and Fielda, I am so proud to call you friends. So proud.

Much love,


comments so far, leave yours

  1. Jill Diaz says:

    Oh my. Just absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Jesie McElroy says:

    Oh, the light. What a great shoot! These two are adorable :)

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