EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.










April 19, 2011


What are these reveals I speak of?  A Reveal is pretty much my favorite part of the René Tate Wedding Experience.  Because by this point, we are besties.  I’ve calmed you, the groom, down just before you’re about to see your bride for the first time; I’ve seen you, the bride, in your underwear just before you put on your dress.  Like I said, we’re pretty much besties. :-)

So why not invite my besties over to my home, share bottle (or two!) of my favorite wine, and relive your oh-so fabulous wedding day through pictures?

It all starts with some flowers… because flowers make the heart melt.

Next throw in a little Peter Bradley Adams with dinner.

Don’t forget the vacuum lines and wine. ;-)

And of course, cinnamon and sugar Yankee Candles.

And last but not least, a bride and groom, and if all the stars align: Chipotle!  Because it’s a tradition for at least this group.

If you haven’t recognized them by now, that’s Malerie and Chris!  We had a beyond fun night this weekend looking through their images.  These guys will definitely be around for a while.  We had such a blasty!  They’re even cat people and insisted we bring out Calvin for some lovin.

Believe it or not, he’s actually not getting a root canal, but soaking up a little face massage from Chris and LOVING it.

The photo above = blasty blast of a night.


comments so far, leave yours

  1. Caitlin says:

    The space is beautiful! I just love it!

  2. Malerie says:

    Rene, this night was just fantastic. Seriously….we smiled the entire way home. Thank you for your hospitality! You and Jessi are such precious souls….we love you!

  3. Tony F. says:

    I stumbled onto your information on facebook from a mutual friend. I have to admit I am quite impressed with your photography and I was drawn into your visions.
    I just wanted to let you know that your hard work and devotion to your art is highly noted in your fine photraphy.
    Very well done.
    Thanks for the smile today.
    Warmest Regards,
    Tony F.(Cañon City Resident)

  4. Kami says:

    Super fun! And Malerie is just the cutest thing!

  5. LeAnne says:

    I love seeing your work Rene! I can’t believe that its almost been 3 years since my wedding day! I’m always showing off my amazing wedding pictures! You guys rock!

  6. Aundie says:

    I see Lee Lee’s Photo!!!! Thats my favoriate!!! Awww you’re amazing Ms. Rene!!! We love you!!!

  7. Kristin says:

    Love Tiff and Luke in the first pic :) Your photography is inspiring Rene!! It makes me excited to meet a man worth marrying so you can take OUR pictures ;)

  8. Nicole Carr says:

    Rene your home looks so beautiful! I need to come visit when you have some downtime…I haven’t seen it yet!!

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