EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.










January 24, 2011

RTP Retreat Weekend

It is impossible to fit in this little white box the power of this past weekend.  Seriously.

Saturday and Sunday marked our first semi-annual René Tate Photography retreat weekend.  Jesie, Michael, myself, and a longtime RTP visionary and marketing guru, Shawn, joined together for a weekend that held more than we ever could have expected or dreamed.

All I have to say is that God is incredibly good.  His timing is perfect.  And you are going to see some pretty neat changes in the coming year.  I have had so many dreams and visions on how to use this photography thing for something bigger.  Something with more of an impact.  I have this renaissance soul, if you will, that contains a wide variety of passions and desires.  Believe there was a way to combine the best of all worlds, I’ve been saying for the last two years that outside of this business, “I’m on the verge of something big. I can just feel it! I can almost taste it!  We are being prepared for something larger than life.”  And finally, after two years of praying, dreaming, envisioning, and perfecting our craft we’ve finally figured out our purpose.

Did you hear that?  After TWO YEARS of nipping at its tail, we have finally figured out why we do what we do and how to make more of an impact with this gift of photography. The camera is just a tool.  What’s beyond that camera is what’s matters.

And I cannot wait share it all with you.

I know this is quite possibly the most vague post I could ever share.  Forgive me, for I do not want to lessen the impact of this weekend by trying to explain it all to you in one sitting, in one post.

You’ll begin to see peices of Our Why (why we do what we do) and Our Purpose trickle in through various forms of media, and especially if you are an RTP bride or groom.

And if you are thinking about becoming an RTP bride or groom, boy, do we have an experience in store for you.  An experience beyond the photos.

Stay tuned.

With love, joy, enthusiasm, clarity, and a whole new perspective,
René, Jesie, Michael, and Shawn

A few images from this weekend… We started the weekend in off giving credit where credit was due and asking for guidance. Our first day was filled with brainstorming, dreaming, crying, and so much more.

Day two held the nitty, gritty, necessary details.

Cal was most definitely a breath of fresh air and took it upon himself to provide comedic relief with his crazy antics.

I don’t even want to know how many cups of this stuff we consumed.

Big things are in store.  Finally.  We’re finally starting to figure it out.



comments so far, leave yours

  1. Aundrea says:

    Ok wait….if you 4 are in the pictures…..then who is taking them….and then I saw….it was the cat!!! Also I saw Lee Lee photo on the wall, and also my fav RTP picture too, I didn’t see that when I came over before! Too cool, but I have an important question….where is the wine?!?!

  2. Kami says:

    I love that you captured your weekend with photos… Can’t wait to cheer you on this year!

  3. Jesica McElroy says:

    Ugh, best weekend ever! Ever. Ever, ever. I walked away from the our first three hours of that weekend feeling so full of life! I know that sounds cheesy, but when you realize that you’re in the right place at the right time, you just know that God’s in control! I love you René. Thank you so much for including me on this journey with you.

  4. Shawn says:

    It was an amazing weekend of God inspired productivity! Loved the creativity and passion that was birthed out of this weekend! Cannot wait to see what is in store for RTP!

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