EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

EST. 2007

The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.










December 16, 2009

Need your HELP: Send Jesie to Hawaii!!


Alright friends, a closed mouth don’t get fed.  I need you!  The famous celebrity wedding photographer, Mike Colón, is having a contest on his blog to send ONE lucky photographer to his Hawaii workshop in January.  I’ve been so busy going to workshops, I think it’s about time for Jesie to go to one, but I need your HELP!  For those of you who don’t know, Jesie is not only one of my dearest and best friends, but she’s my second shooter and teammate.  She’s a big part of René Tate Photography.

Here’s how the contest works: whoever gets the most votes wins. haha That’s it!

Visit his blog, click the button by her name, and click “vote.” THEN, post this on your Facebook status, Twitter about it, email your friends, etc.

There’s a TON of contestants, so the best way to find Jesie is to do a search on the page for her name by pressing Command + F (on Apple) or Ctrl + F (I THINK on a PC; I’m not sure…).  Only thing is they misspelled her name so search for “Jessie McElroy“.  Here’s a screen shot of what you’re looking for:


Thank you! To win this we’re going to need a loooot of votes, so please, tell your friends, family, office mates, etc.  It’s the only way. VOTING ENDS FRIDAY @ 4pm (Colorado time)!


comments so far, leave yours

  1. Alyssa says:

    Well of COURSE I’m going to vote for my bella amica! :) You two are amazing and it’s so fun to see your journey unfold.

  2. Shelley Freer says:

    DONE! GOOD LUCK, Jesie!!!

  3. Mary Marantz says:

    Annnnnnnd DONE!!!

  4. DONE!!! Good Luck Jesie!

  5. Kami says:

    Yay Jesie! :)

    P.S. It is Ctrl+F ;)

  6. GINA says:

    DONE Deal!

  7. casey mirick says:

    I voted! I will be in hawaii at the same time!!

  8. Sarah says:

    Yay Jesie! You’ll have a blast!

  9. Melissa says:

    DONE!! Good luck!!! :) I even voted more than once. Thank goodness for home & work computers! Best of luck!

  10. Erin Cady says:

    So I did what I was told and voted for Jesie, but I saw you’re on there too. You didn’t want to go? :)

  11. René says:

    Yeah, some how when I entered Jesie, they entered me too! Wasn’t my intention..

  12. Leah says:

    I hope she wins, let me know what happens! I voted

  13. esfmdmun says:

    OrkEQO fvrwfxwyykpl, [url=]ajvbiirrioyu[/url], [link=]duiaacmizeoo[/link],