Oh, well hey there! TGIF! I could get used to these California sunsets… I don’t know, there’s just something about not having a 14,000′ mountain blocking your light that does the body good! So stoked about these images of one of our fabulous, faithful RTP couples, Kristi & Brett, and the sweetest little one-year-old around: […]
Is this reality? Couples portraits in one of my favorite all-time places: Disneyland?! Honestly, I’m more of a Disney World girl, but anything Disney has my heart! Earlier this year, one of our beloved RTP couples, Kristi & Scott, told me they were celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary in THEIR favorite place on earth and […]
Oooh, do I have a TREAT for you! Sometimes all you need is an hour of great light, a couple long flowy dresses, a thick manly beard, and some crazy romantic chemistry and you’ve got yourself a shoot for the record books. I would take a couple in love with good light in simple setting […]
Why hello there blog world! Long time no see! Have you lost weight? Maybe it’s your hair. Something looks different about you. It’s just been so long since I’ve seen you. Today is September 9th and it’s been about since August 9th since I’ve really spent much dedicated time blogging and sharing all the pretty […]