Just wanted to hop on real quick to show you Katy and Austin’s album that came in not too long ago. Nearly every one of my couples order an album to commemorate their day and I always forget to photograph the albums for you blog readers out there! I’m always too excited to wrap them […]
Hot dogs? Check. Bratwurst? Check. Hamburgers? Check. Full tank of gas? Check. Smores Fixings? Check. As you run down your Memorial Weekend checklist, don’t forget to acknowledge a real American idol — thank a member of our incredible military and take a minute to remember those who gave their tomorrows so we could have ours. […]
If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you’ll notice that I’ve been traveling a lot. Like so much that, as my friend Monty says, all the airplanes and changes in pressure have “broken the mold on me” if ya know what I mean. And with that said, it’s easy to see that life […]
Hello, hello! And welcome to 2010! I’m finally back in town and getting my life in order after Kevin and Eryn’s INCREDIBLE New Year’s Eve wedding in Columbia, South Carolina. In light of the new year, I wanted to bring to your attention a very special resolution of mine… I realize that I am a […]