This is not a post I want to rush through. Because the moment I am about to describe is sacred. It’s a moment that I hope to hold fresh in my mind until he returns home to me. Because you see, it was our last moment together. Our last moment together before I boarded a […]
My dad was an engineer for the railroad. He worked long hours and was gone from home a lot. As a little girl, I remember having to play outside often during the day cause dad was sleeping. He got called to work at all hours of the night. All across Colorado he transported coal. And […]
Annie Leibovitz once said, “Computer photography won’t be photography as we know it. I think photography will always be chemical.” I’ve had this notion stirring inside me for quite sometime now. Simply put, I just don’t feel like I can call myself a photographer until I can be confident in the basics. In the beginning. […]
March 18th. A day followed by March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day. March 18th is typically a day of recovery for those who partied too hard on the 17th. A day when the streets are littered with trampled green shamrocks. A day when bar employees clean up the remnants of sticky green beer. But for […]