I figure you can get to know a lot about a person by the time of music he or she listens to. And music is a huge part of my life. I once heard a quote about how words make you think a thought, music makes you feel a feeling, and a song makes you […]
I’m not gonna lie. I’m wrestling with this one. Actually, I’m wrestling with patience, period. I don’t know if it’s the product of a Type-A, “what’s next?” personality, but lately I’m finding myself in a constant state of impatience and eagerness. But also a state of excitement, too. How do you teach yourself to be […]
Go do something crazy today. Something spontaneous. Drive into the sunset tonight with your windows down and music blaring. Just because you can. Take your lunch to a park and eat outside. Go bowling tonight. Stay up really late, doing something really off the wall, even though you may have to work tomorrow. Take the […]
The phone rang and rang and rang… My heart was beating quickly. The early morning air on my face was calm and cool, but the back of my neck felt like it was on fire. It was hot to the touch. The smell of propane filled my nose with each breath. My hands shook a […]