If you believe in always taking the scenic route, in watching more sunsets than television, and that is the grandest adventure of them all... you are in the right place.
Calling the summit a milestone for bilateral strategic partnership, ASEAN leaders said that it is in the interests of both sides to safeguard multilateralism as well as free trade as well as that ASEAN is ready to align its development strategies with the Belt as well as Road Initiative as well as open up more space for cooperation.
If you believe in always taking the scenic route, in watching more sunsets than television, and that is the grandest adventure of them all... you are in the right place.
Calling the summit a milestone for bilateral strategic partnership, ASEAN leaders said that it is in the interests of both sides to safeguard multilateralism as well as free trade as well as that ASEAN is ready to align its development strategies with the Belt as well as Road Initiative as well as open up more space for cooperation.