

December 14, 2010

Greeley Engagement: Casey & Michael

Casey and Michael are two incredibly sweet and kind souls whom I simply fell in love with.  We met up at their alma mater in Greeley: the University of Northern Colorado.  They spent many a days studying and hanging out at a nearby park.  So we captured those special places.  Michael and Casey were a little nervous at the beginning, but they said my HUMOR definitely loosened them up.  hah Me?  Humorous?  I was honored they thought so.  It was a joy to watch these two interact together.  Michael is so sweet on her!  We had the best time. :-)

Enjoy these two beautiful people. And Casey and Michael, I still owe you dinner! I’ll be seeing you soon.

With love and joy,

I love this one on the left.

Some of my faves!

I was stoked Michael brought his old truck!  And how cute are they with their matching Tim Tebow jerseys?

I loved that they brought their puppy.  It’s a great way to start off a shoot.

LOVE this one!

Oh Casey, you are a DOLL! Your smile is so bright! I love it.

Then we headed to main campus where I saw this crazy bear (their mascot) and just knew there was some fun to be had.

Kiss kiss!

That bear is actually enormous.

LOVE this one!  Michael, you are the coolest.  Just sayin’.

The light was killer…

Michael spent a lot of his time in this building:

Most of their date nights were spent studying in this library:

So cute!


comments so far, leave yours

  1. tracy ashley says:

    Casie you look so happy. Love the photos they are great.

  2. Kathy Baney says:

    They are beautiful pictures. I love them, The ones with the dog are great. You can really tell how much they love there dog!!!!

  3. David Richardson says:

    Your sister was bragging about how good your pics were, she was rihgt! They are really good. I really like the black and whites.

  4. Hope Mion says:

    You look so pretty in these pictures Casey! I really like the first picture, and the picture of you guys looking directly at the camera. You should use that for your announcement.

  5. hesper bostick says:

    beautiful pictures!

  6. Karen says:

    Erlene, nice pictures of your son and soon to be daughter in law! They have a cute puppy!

  7. Justin veik says:

    He guys the pictures turned out great u guys look really happy glad to have u guys as friends

  8. Justin veik says:

    Hey guys the picuters look great u guys look so happy I’m glad to have u guys as friends

  9. Edward Peirce says:

    Sweet pics!

  10. chelsea says:

    awesome photos ..congratulations on your future marriage .. :) <3

  11. Shelly Davis says:

    You look gorgeous, Casey! Love the CUTE way you were posed in the library, etc. Can’t wait for your wedding!
    love, shelly

  12. Ken Davis says:

    Love the pics! I like the ones in the trees; Shelly liked #13. Ken Davis

  13. Steve says:

    These turned out to be some great shots. You guys will have some beautiful memories.

  14. Love them all so happy for you guys! My absolute fav is number 14 though! Congrats!

  15. Love all the photos looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I am so very happy for you both. My absloute fav pic is number 14! Congrats! Can’t wait to see weddign pictures!

  16. Rebecca says:

    They’re the most wonderful people in the world and you definately captured them in these pictures!!! You two are beautiful!

  17. Toni Clabaugh says:

    These are great. You too look so happy. Congrats.

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