

September 30, 2010

Garden of the Gods: Cynthia & Jason Engaged

Hey hey hey!  Happy Thursday!  Man, does time fly.  So I wanted to introduce you to the lovely Cynthia and Jason.  We got together with them this week before their wedding tomorrow to do a quick engagement session around Garden of the Gods and Old Colorado City.  These two are from the Connecticut and Denver area and have never been to Garden of the Gods! It was all Cynthia’s idea and I loved it.  These two have a certain fierceness and attractiveness to them that echo the movie series Twilight. Check it out…

This is where things get a little Twilight-y…

I don’t know… maybe it’s just me.

Cynthia is pretty much the cutest thing.


Here’s the thing about these two.  If they have the chance to compete, they will.  They’re competitive about everything, so they say.

‘Specially football.

She’s a Redskin; he’s a Cowboy.

We wrapped up the shoot with a couple zexy alley shots!

Love these guys!  Cynthia and Jason… what do you say we get you two married tomorrow? Okay? Okay!

Sneak Peek coming soon. :-)


comments so far, leave yours

  1. Cynthia Kotzker says:

    Love them! Rene you did a fabulous job! Can’t wait for the wedding tomorrow!!

  2. Cynthia Kotzker says:

    Love them Rene! You did a fabulous job. Jason and I are so happy with them. We can’t wait for the wedding tomorrow!

  3. Aundie says:

    Can I just say for the record that her eye are just stunning!!! Dear lordy I would love to have eyes like that!!! KILLER!!! Love it!!

  4. stan kotzker says:

    Love these photos – can’t wait to see the wedding pictures

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