

July 16, 2010

Atlanta Wedding: Aubrey & Matt – Pt II

It was worth the wait.  Trust me.  Part II of Aubrey and Matt’s wedding is one to go down in history.  We pick up right after the ceremony with a huge group shot of all the guests.

A quick prayer while we were all together.

I don’t normally post family photos, but these two were adorable excerpts. I just had to share them!

After the ceremony we did a few shots with Aubrey and her girls.  Love them all so much!

Matt’s sister Lauren on the left.  We’re pretty much BFF after this wedding! hah

These are two of my favorites!  Caught from the inside of the Primrose House.

So, this bathtub is actually RED.  Aubrey was so excited to do some portraits in it.

Jesie took this…. and I must admit… I’m a little envious.

A quick, private meal for the bride and groom and then it was off to the reception.

Matt’s dance with his mom was a jerker for sure!

Love this shot Jesie grabbed during the toasts of the flower girl’s flower-headband falling in her face.

After the reception we headed out to do some portraits of just the bride and groom.

And they were wonderful.  Perfect ending to a perfect day.

I heart this.  Just a little…. Okay, maybe a lot.

Jesie in action.


The end!  Aubrey and Matt, you two are incredible… Thank you!


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  1. Monty Jessop says:

    Wow Rene, These look amazing, Aubrey and Matt look so dang attractive and they look like they had the time of their lives. Wonderful memories for them for sure. I love the dominance of B&W images too, they are so timeless. Great job!!

  2. Aubrey HUBBELL says:

    Rene & Jesie, ya’ll are wonderful! Love these shots!!! Thank you SOOO much for such BEAUTIFUL pictures!

  3. Leah Love says:

    Wow! These two are amazing! I love the cake topper.

  4. Aundie says:

    Wow, what a good looking couple. I love her dress!!! I love this last picture with the 4 of you!!!

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